May 16, 2021 Call To Worship

Order Of Service
Your Sunday Worship Service

The Lord said “Wherever two or three are gathered in my name” that He would be with them so gather together this Sunday and worship. If you do not have a home church to attend this coming Sunday please use this Worship Service Plan and enjoy a service of your own. You can use this worship service plan in your homes, prisons, and hospitals. The church is a collection of all Christians and has nothing to do with the building.

This Worship Service Plan is useful for anyone anywhere, whether individuals, shut-ins, your family gathered in the den, a nursing facility of sick & elderly, you and your neighbors sitting in the backyard, or any group of believers who share a need to gather and praise and worship The Lord God. If you wish to locate a home church for you and your family please consider what you should look for and use this church locator tool to find just the perfect home church near you.

Each and every week by Tuesday or Wednesday there will be a Worship Service Plan posted, complete with Prayers, Praise Music, Sunday School lesson, Sermons and more so you can prepare to lead your group.

You may print or download any of the service plans by clicking here.

These services will remain on the website permanently so if you miss a week and want to go back and catch up it won’t be a problem at all.

Please let us know how this works for you and if you have any suggestions for improvement. Please share this Facebook Post with as many as you can. You never know who might come to know The Lord from such a time as this.

Call To Worship

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
Psalm 100

Opening Prayer

Lord God, we desperately need your wisdom. You have given us a great country,
founded on principles and truths from Your Word. We need men and women who
will honor You, trust You, and lead us once again back to You. We pray for
servant leaders who love the things You love and who care more about others
than themselves.

Give us leaders with discerning hearts, bold faith, and wise minds that model
Your character. Teach them-and us-not just what is good, but what is best. Guide
them in the way our country should go. Give them purity in their intentions, and
godliness in their convictions. Energize their spirits and bodies physically and
spiritually, and keep them emotionally secure in the knowledge of who You are
– and whose they are. Help them to be bighearted and sincere, energetic in
goodness, and courteous in their manners.

Raise up leaders with the greatest potential of godly leadership, those who can
ease confusion, expose illusion, and heal delusion. You alone hold the power to
turn the hearts of leaders, but You listen and use our prayers to move them into
right action. Help us to be faithful to care and to pursue Your heart in prayer.
Help our leaders to be quick to admit failure, but ready to rebound in persistent
resilience. Encourage them to choose wisely, and when they don’t know what to
do, help them keep their eyes on You. Let them take a firm stand on issues that
truly matter to You, regardless of the consequences or approval ratings. Make
them God-pleasers, not puppets; leaders filled with conviction, not corruption.

As a nation, God, help us to desire righteousness more than rights, and to
mirror sacrifice more than selfishness. You know us well, and You understand
our flaws. Turn those weaknesses into strengths; bathe us with Your grace and
mercy, though none of us deserve it. Fill us with the boldness to choose the kind
of freedom that will benefit all, rather than a few. Open our eyes to see others as
You do-with godly potential and value. But help us, too, to recognize our own
pride in trying to elevate ourselves and others above You and Your purpose for
our lives.

We need, You, God. Oh, how we need You! You have exercised nothing but
faithfulness and fairness in Your treatment of our country, even when we’ve
turned our back on You and forgotten Your goodness to us. Your discipline at
times is hard, but You are just. Your purpose is always to draw us close to You,
to bless us, and to make us a great nation who honors You. You are a good,
good, Father-and Your love for us has a proven track record.

May God Guide Our Nation. Forgive us for wanting our own way and making our
own paths-often the ones paved with least resistance. Forgive us for
fence-walking, or for ignoring completely the truths that can so easily set us
free. Deliver us from mindless quarrels and destinations that lead us nowhere,
but away from You. Free us from divisiveness, and melt our hardened hearts to
love, not hate, and to heal, not debate.

Our history has cried for king-like leaders who will solve our problems and meet
our needs. But there is only one King, and that is You, Lord. We have blindly
sought answers from others to life’s unresolved questions through the years,
but You are the only wise Counselor. We have longed for peace, but You are the
only Peacemaker, and the only Prince of Peace. We’ve clung to our weapons of
warfare, not as measures of defense, but as strongholds of selfish pride. We
look at outward appearances; You see the heart. With You, nothing formed
against us can prosper. Without You, we are nothing.

Make us a great nation, yes. But more than that, make us good, Lord, with a
heartbeat that wants every person of every creed and color to know Your love,
Your goodness, and Your worth. Make us wise as serpents, but gentle as doves.
Turn our fears to faith, as we look to You and You alone for the future of our
country. Give us God-confidence that no matter what happens, we will believe
You are not only in control, but that You know exactly what is needed to
accomplish Your purpose. Help us not to second-guess Your moves, but to move
at Your command, always without hesitation.

We look to You and to You, only, Lord. Help us make wise decisions that move
our country in the right direction. Help us to do our part in praying and in
staying with what we know is right according to the truth of Your Word. Teach us
to make our actions count and our words matter, and line them both up to Your
sense of rightness, not ours. Guide us with Your eye; grip us with Your strong
arm; teach us what we need to know to make our lives-and our nation-count for
you. We pray for our leaders, but we ask You to make us both leaders and
followers: leading in the way of Truth, and following those who honor You.
In the precious and powerful name of Jesus,

Today’s Scripture For Inspiration

Even God Has A Limit To His Patience

John Hagee

For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.
Romans 5:19

Sin has always created a barrier to entry into the presence of God. Sin separates us from the Lord. It always drives a wedge and hinders our relationship – sin rips it.

Sin became a problem for Adam, for the children of Israel, and it remains a problem for us today. The prophet, Jeremiah, extolled the faithfulness and goodness of God. He said that if it was not for the mercy and compassion of God, we would be consumed. Those mercies are renewed to us every morning (Lamentations 3:22-24).

As faithful as God is to mercy, He does have a threshold. That limit is always pushed by sin. Whenever sin enters the relationship equation, that rips it. God, Who is holy and Who cannot be in the presence of sin, decides that He has reached the place where enough is enough.

We see it in His relationship with Adam and Eve. When they ate the forbidden fruit, sin cut short their lives in Eden. God drove them out of their perfect home and placed cherubim at the east side of the Garden to guard it (Genesis 3:24). Sin separates.

A few generations later, God was grieved by the great wickedness that abounded on the earth. He decided to destroy everything with a flood. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord, and when he and his family were safely aboard the ark, God closed the door. Those inside escaped judgment, but those outside had forfeited their choice. God had reached the place where grace was no longer extended.

Because He is holy, He cannot abide sin. Not because He cannot handle it, but because we cannot handle Him in His holiness. We would be consumed. Separation is God’s way of protecting us in our sinful state.

In the book of Exodus, God told Moses that He wanted to dwell with, to tabernacle with the children of Israel. However, the sin issue had to be addressed. He commanded Moses to create a barrier, a veil, in the Tabernacle. He dwelt behind the curtain in the Holy of Holies. The priests and the people lived on the other side of the curtain because if they approached God in their sin, His holiness would destroy them.

Sin is still the issue. Every effort should be made to purge our lives from sin. If we wish to draw near to God, we must separate ourselves from sin. If we desire closeness with Him, we must cut out what divides. In our relationship with God, sin rips it.

Today’s Bible Study Lesson

  • Signs Of The End (Lesson # 14 of our Second Coming Of Christ Series)
    • Allow 20 Minutes
    • Please note that the date on the lesson was the original date I taught the lesson to the seniors at Harvest Baptist Church.

Song Of Praise & Worship

Today’s Sermon

Preaching is a matter of personal taste as long as it is Bible based and true to The Word Of God. There are many great preachers that you can choose to hear on demand. A tremendous resource is the website Take a look and feast on The Word Of God to your heart’s desire!

Some of my favorite Sunday Services include:

Invitation To Come To Christ

The Romans Road To Salvation

The Romans Road to salvation is a way of explaining the good news of salvation using verses from the Book of Romans. It is a simple yet powerful method of explaining why we need salvation, how God provided salvation, how we can receive salvation, and what are the results of salvation.

We are all sinners

The first verse on the Romans Road to salvation is Romans 3:23, ‘For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.’ We have all sinned. We have all done things that are displeasing to God. There is no one who is innocent. Romans 3:10-18 gives a detailed picture of what sin looks like in our lives. 

The penalty for sin is hell
The second Scripture on the Romans Road to salvation, Romans 6:23, teaches us about the consequences of sin – ‘For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ The punishment that we have earned for our sins is death. Not just physical death, but eternal death!

We must confess our sins
The fourth stop on the Romans Road to salvation is Romans 10:9, ‘that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.’ 

We must call on The Lord
Because of Jesus’ death on our behalf, all we have to do is believe in Him, trusting His death as the payment for our sins – and we will be saved! Romans 10:13 says it again, ‘for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ Jesus died to pay the penalty for our sins and rescue us from eternal death. Salvation, the forgiveness of sins, is available to anyone who will trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

What this means to you
The final aspect of the Romans Road to salvation is the results of salvation. Romans 5:1 has this wonderful message, ‘Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ Through Jesus Christ we can have a relationship of peace with God. Romans 8:1 teaches us, ‘Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.’ Because of Jesus’ death on our behalf, we will never be condemned for our sins. Finally, we have this precious promise of God from Romans 8:38-39, ‘For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’

ABCs Of Salvation: Where the rubber meets the road

(A)dmit that you are a sinner.
Romans 3:23 KJV – For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Romans 6:23 KJV – For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(B)elieve that Jesus died to pay for your sins.
John 3:16‭-‬17 KJV – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.   For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

(C)onfess your sins and (C)all on Jesus for salvation.
1 John 1:9 KJV – If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Acts 2:21 KJV – And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Sinners Prayer

God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I deserve the consequences of my sin. However, I am trusting in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believe that His death and resurrection provided for my forgiveness. I trust in Jesus and Jesus alone as my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you Lord, for saving me and forgiving me! Amen!

Song Of Praise & Worship

Closing Prayer & Blessing

Closing Prayer
Lord Jesus, we came this morning praying that Your mercy would pour out on us and ease our fears and concerns as this virus continues to threaten our land and lives and you have done just that. We are grateful for the time we have been able to spend with You in praise, worship, and fellowship. Thank you for loving us so much You gave your life for us on the cross so we can have a home in heaven some day. Father, you have been gracious to provide all our needs for our entire lives. Guide us as we go back to our homes. Show us the right way to follow throughout the week, and when we come back, we shall testify of the great things that you have done in our lives. In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray, Amen.

A Blessing As We Go Forward This week
And now may the Lord bless you, and may the Lord keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, giving you his peace. May you be committed to doing the will of God, living in the perfect providential graciousness of God your Father. He will send his angels before you to prepare your way, and behind you to be your rear guard. Know that you will live within his divine favor, because you are obedient to him. May the Lord bless you now in all things. Do not be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for salvation and life.

Published by Dave Winstead

I am the Chairman Of FaithByTheWord Ministries in Burlington, NC.

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